Clenbuterol is a widely used bronchodilator. This drug is most often available in tablets of 20 μg, but it can also be found in the form of a syrup or solution for injection. Clenbuterol belongs to a large group of drugs known as sympathomimetic drugs These drugs affect the sympathetic nervous system in different ways, mainly through the distribution of adrenoceptors. In the human body, there are 9 different types of these receptors, which are called alpha or beta according to the classification, etc. plus the corresponding number. Depending on the particular sensitivity of these substances to various receptors, they can be successfully used to treat diseases such as asthma, hypertension, cardiovascular insufficiency, arrhythmia, migraine and anaphylactic shock.
In the book Goodman and Gillman “Pharmacological basis of therapy” (9th edition) the various mechanisms of action of these drugs in the human body are very well described:
“In most cases, the action of catecholamines and sympathomimetic substances can be divided into 7 types: 1) peripheral stimulating effect on a certain type of smooth muscles, such as the muscles of blood vessels, for example, which supply the skin, kidneys and mucous membranes, and the effects on the cells of the salivary and sweat glands; 2) peripheral inhibitory effect on another type of smooth muscle located in the walls of the intestines, bronchi and blood vessels supplying skeletal muscles; 3) cardiological stimulating effect, which is to increase the speed of the heart and the strength of contractions; 4) metabolic effect, namely an increase in the rate of glycogenolysisin the liver and muscles and the release of free fatty acids from fatty tissues; 5) endocrine action, i.e. modulation of insulin, renin andpituitary hormones; 6)action on the central nervous system: stimulation of breathing and, in combination with certain medications, an increase in activity during wakefulness and psychomotor activity and loss of appetite; 7) presynapatic an action that slows down or contributes to the release of neurotransmitters, i.e. norepinephrine and acetylcholine. “
Clenbuterol is a selective beta-2 sympathomimetic agent that primarily affects only one of the three subspecies of beta receptors. An interesting fact is that this medicine has a slight stimulating effect of beta-1. Due to the fact that beta-1 receptors are closely related to clenbuterol cardiac effects, therefore this drug reduces reversible impaired ventilation (and the effect of beta-2 stimulation), and the side effects of its cardiovascular action are less serious compared to unselected beta substances. Clinical studies of the action of this drug indicate that it is a very effective bronchodilator,which has almost no negative patient reviews. Also, the half-life of clenbuterol in the body is quite long and is about 34 hours. This facilitates the process of achieving the required level of this drug in the body, i.e. it is enough to take 1 or 2 times a day. All this makes it convenient for patients to receive and they easily agree to receive it. Despite the fact that clenbuterol is sold in many countries of the world, it has never been approved for use in the United States. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the US there are a number of similar drugs for the treatment of asthma and the process of obtaining permission to trade in this drug in the United States will require a lot of time and expense from interested firms. Despite this, foreign-made Clenbuterol can be easily found on the black market in the United States.
During animal experiments, it was noted that clenbuterol exerts an anabolic effect, which would be very interesting for athletes. This drug is known to be thermogenic.and beta-2 substances act directly on fat cells and accelerate the breakdown of triglycerides to form free fatty acids. All this makes clenbuterol very attractive for athletes, and today it is always taken before the competition. Interested athletes most often hope that this drug will contribute to the destruction of fat simultaneously with an increase in strength and muscle mass. But as reported in the journal “Medicine and Science in Sports and Physical Education” (August, 1995), the possible anabolic effect of Clenbuterol is still questionable, the research results are based on experimental data from animals using much larger doses of the drug than is necessary for bronchodilator drugs. Such information has led to great controversy over whether clenbuterol is an anabolic or not. Some experts swear that this medicine promotes muscle growth no matter what. For others, research data is only proof that athletes spend valuable time and money on a drug that is completely useless for them.
Such controversy continues today, as many athletes continue to use clenbuterol as a potent anabolic. In this case, athletes associate the dosage and cycles of taking this medication with what result from the two possible they need to achieve and how side effects are tolerated. The following side effects of clenbuterol are possible, as well as other central nervous system stimulants, namely: trembling hands, insomnia, sweating, high blood pressure and nausea (“seasickness”). Such disorders usually become less noticeable after a week or so after starting the drug, as soon as the patient gets used to it. Usually during a cycle, the dose of medication gradually increases every day until the desired result is achieved. In this way, the possibility of side effects of clenbuterol is reduced to a minimum, which can be very serious if you immediately start taking the drug in large quantities. Most often, men stop at 2-8 pills a day, although there is evidence that the higher dosage is also tolerated by the body. Women take less: 2-4 tablets per day. This drug raises body temperature very quickly, but not very significantly, usually by half a degree or so, sometimes a little more. This is due to the fact that your body receives excess energy (mainly from fat) and this state is not very pleasant. although there is evidence that the higher dosage is also tolerated by the body. Women take less: 2-4 tablets per day. This drug raises body temperature very quickly, but not very significantly, usually by half a degree or so, sometimes a little more. This is due to the fact that your body receives excess energy (mainly from fat) and this state is not very pleasant. although there is evidence that the higher dosage is also tolerated by the body. Women take less: 2-4 tablets per day. This drug raises body temperature very quickly, but not very significantly, usually by half a degree or so, sometimes a little more. This is due to the fact that your body receives excess energy (mainly from fat) and this state is not very pleasant.
Today it is considered that clenbuterol can be used depending on the goal of the athlete. Obviously, the results of taking this drug are noticeable only for a limited period of time, and then gradually disappear, mainly due to a decrease in the action of beta receptors. If you use clenbuterol for burning fat, this is the main purpose of the drug, then it “works” in this direction for about 4-6 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the body temperature, since clenbuterol works by increasing the temperature. As soon as the temperature drops to normal, this means that the drug no longer acts as a thermogenic agent. At this point, there is no need to increase the dosage, and you need to take a break in the reception for several weeks in order to again achieve the desired effect. If you are interested in improving the power characteristics of the muscles, in this case, clenbuterol acts even shorter period of time – about 3-4 weeks. This is probably due to the lack of a real anabolic effect, since an increase in muscle strength during clenbuterol intake is most likely due to the stimulatory characteristics of this drug (this is similar to an increase in strength in receiving ephedrine). However, all these issues remain controversial to this day. with the stimulatory characteristics of this drug (this seems like an increase in strength in taking ephedrine). However, all these issues remain controversial to this day. with the stimulatory characteristics of this drug (this seems like an increase in strength in taking ephedrine). However, all these issues remain controversial to this day.
Many athletes believe that the effect of “burning fat” of clenbuterol can be enhanced by taking additional drugs. In combination with thyroid hormones, especially with potent Cytomel®, the thermogenic effect can be very pronounced. This can help athletes get rid of excess fat during preparation for a competition without reducing the number of calories in food. This combination of drugs can be used in the future during the steroid cycle to achieve muscle relief. Such preparations for burning fat can significantly slow down the process of fat accumulation during the cycle, even if you are taking strong aroma androgens. The combination of clenbuterol and thyroid hormone is taken together with growth hormone in order to enhance the thermogenicand the anabolic effect of such therapy.
Fakes: You can easily buy real clenbuterol on the black market. “Street” price of 100 tablets varies between $ 100-150 due to high demand. Many European firms will send you Clenbuterol for about $ 75 per pill, a figure that looks more reasonable. Clenbuterol has been tampered with for the last time, but not as actively as most other anabolic steroids. Real clenbuterol is cheap and affordable, so there is no need for a large amount of this product on the black market. Some unscrupulous manufacturers in the United States sold ephedrine or similar tablets with a Clenbuterol label. Most likely, they hoped that ephedrine would produce a similar stimulating effect and the fake would not be noticed. Now you can find only a few roughly made fakes. If you know what you want to buy, it will be easy for you to protect yourself from a fake. Clenbuterol is not produced in the USA, so avoid any products that say “USA”. You should trust only drugs with the current trade name of a foreign manufacturer. The most common in the US are Spiropent, Novegam and Oxyflux from Mexico and you can safely buy them. The following well-known trademarks Spiropent, Broncoterol, Clenasma, Monores, Contraspasmin and Ventolase are manufactured in Europe. You can also buy Bulgarian Clenbuterol, packed in blisters (foil). The following well-known trademarks Spiropent, Broncoterol, Clenasma, Monores, Contraspasmin and Ventolase are manufactured in Europe. You can also buy Bulgarian Clenbuterol, packed in blisters (foil). The following well-known trademarks Spiropent, Broncoterol, Clenasma, Monores, Contraspasmin and Ventolase are manufactured in Europe. You can also buy Bulgarian Clenbuterol, packed in blisters (foil).