Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)
Drostanolone propionate is a hormonal drug whose action is primarily aimed at reducing the body fat index and increasing muscle mass.
If the bodybuilder’s primary task is to increase muscle mass and increase basic athletic parameters, Drostanolone propionate is shown to be applied for a long course of about 10 weeks to achieve the desired effect. In the case when the burning of subcutaneous fat is considered to be a priority, it is enough to take it for 6 weeks.
Injections are administered subcutaneously, the daily dosage ranges from 200 to 600 milligrams. Its selection is carried out individually for each athlete and depends on his goals and overall health.
Side effects
The main advantage of the drug – a low anabolic index, which allows you to effectively fight the fat layer, is also its main danger, because increases the likelihood of unwanted body reactions. Among them:
the appearance of pronounced secondary sexual characteristics (in both sexes);
hair loss;
changes in prostate tissue.
At the same time, Drostanolone propionate lacks other hormonal-specific side effects:
pressure surges;
slowing the output of excess fluid from the body;
toxic effects on the liver.
Effects of use
Athletes who took the course of taking the drug, noted the following results of therapy:
preservation of the muscle mass gained earlier;
improvement of the relief of muscles, their hardness;
active burning of subcutaneous fatty tissue (up to 5-7% of the volume per course);
increase of power parameters;
mild diuretic effect;
slowing the breakdown of proteins in the body (confirmed by clinical analyzes).